So, I thought I'd take the opportunity to update a few photos. Didn't end up taking an awful lot around Oxford. It was a little dark and grey, and I've been really quite tired and trying to catch up on a bit of rest. Owen took me on a tour of what he considered to be the more interesting three of four colleges though. Being a student and member of New College, he insisted on trying to get me in everywhere for free, which worked rather well. All rather beautiful, and I think perhaps were I more of a Harry Potter fan I may have been a little more in awe of the place.
On my second full day Owen wanted to take some time to get back in to study with one of his classmates, so I took myself off walking along the Thames. It was remarkably peaceful despite plenty of people walking, jogging, riding and rowing up and down the river. On the way back I even saw my first bit of British sunlight sufficient to cast a shadow since I've been in the UK this time :)
Seems to have remained somewhat cloudy, but with plenty of sun and blue sky again today. Quite a nice day to be on the train watching the countryside fly past.
Definitely getting a little homesick at this point. Not in the sense that I want to turn around immediately and head for home. Just very definitely looking forward to familiar things. A few days in a comfortable hotel, in a very new place with plenty of things to keep me distracted will probably provide some relief from that sensation. Once again, very glad I decided to go ahead with the UK portion of the trip rather than backtracking. As much as I want to return to Seattle etc., I think the new scenery, albeit at a slower pace, is what I need right now.
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