Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Looks like I've been lucky

50cm of snow dropped in NYC overnight, airports closed "Storm Cripples US Northeast".  Just as well I decided to bet on the UK being clear.  My alternative plan was to make my way back to the US west coast, almost certainly via one of the various closed airports.

The local news here has been a bit vague about what's going on in Canadian airports.  They've been talking about people being stranded in Toronto, but it's starting to sound like that's because they were all headed for places like New York, and everything has just compounded from there.  According to British Airways and the local weather report, Montreal is all clear for the next few days at least.

What will be happening in two weeks when I'm on my way back via New York is anyone's guess.  If the last few days have taught me anything, it's that there's little point making changes on the basis of what might happen or what might be a better idea.  It feels a bit like jumping around supermarket checkout queues trying to get through quicker.  You can never tell for sure what's going to happen until you get there.

I did a last bit of wandering around and shopping today.  The temperature was down around -12 to -14 with a wind chill dropping things a few more degrees, possibly as low as -20 according to the weather report.  Wind chill takes on a whole new meaning in this kind of climate.  Think instant ice cream headache when a gust of wind suddenly hits.  Still, I haven't had any trouble coping with it.  Given the choice between this kind of climate and somewhere hot and humid, I'd still take this every time !  The snow blocking paths and doorways and all the dressing and undressing might get a bit tiresome after a full winter though.

My finger is getting a bit sore after typing, so I'll head off now.  Need to think about packing my bag for tomorrow anyway.  My flight isn't until 7:45pm, but will need to check out of the hotel my midday and help Garry get himself over to the apartment he'll be living in for he next few months.

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