Friday, January 14, 2011

Hotel, morning of departure

Have been sitting here after breakfast, contemplating whether I should try to get in to Manhattan for one last look.  I have about 7 hour until I check out an head for the airport.  However the realities of travel have rained on my parade.

According to various timetables etc. it would take me a minimum 90 minutes to get to the city (assuming I took the subway - don't really want to spend $90+ on a return cab ride).  The train I would want is the only one currently experiencing delays, and there's really nothing in particular that I want to do other than maybe wander around for a while.  So, a couple of hours minimum on trains to wander around for a couple of hours before hoping I get back to the hotel in time to check out.  Besides which the weather report earlier mentioned that they were expecting about -11C for NYC today.

However, much has been learned on this trip.  Places to come back to definitely include NYC.  Spending a full week in Edinburgh felt about right in terms of the amount of time to spend in a city.  There was plenty of time to get around and do things without it feeling rushed.

Other lessons learned, always try to book direct flights.  This business of having to collect baggage and check it back in between domestic and international on what is ticketed as a single flight is irritating.  I can't even confirm online what's going on with my flight home.  After a bit of digging away from Qantas' web site, I think tonight's flight is a codeshare with American from JFK to LAX, then a transfer to a Qantas 747 from there home.  But I can't check in online or select seats in advance !  I've forgotten, what century are we in ?

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