Monday, January 3, 2011

On the train to Edinburgh

Well, I'm just over an hour out of London, going much faster than any Australian train would dare, about three hours away from Edinburgh.  As must be obvious to you by now, there is internet access on the train - something else yet to be discovered in Australia, but apparently quite common everywhere else.  Even the bus too and from Oxford had Wifi.  It's a little hit and miss at times, but still very nice to have.

So, I thought I'd take the opportunity to update a few photos.  Didn't end up taking an awful lot around Oxford.  It was a little dark and grey, and I've been really quite tired and trying to catch up on a bit of rest.  Owen took me on a tour of what he considered to be the more interesting three of four colleges though.  Being a student and member of New College, he insisted on trying to get me in everywhere for free, which worked rather well.  All rather beautiful, and I think perhaps were I more of a Harry Potter fan I may have been a little more in awe of the place.

On my second full day Owen wanted to take some time to get back in to study with one of his classmates, so I took myself off walking along the Thames.  It was remarkably peaceful despite plenty of people walking, jogging, riding and rowing up and down the river.  On the way back I even saw my first bit of British sunlight sufficient to cast a shadow since I've been in the UK this time :)

Seems to have remained somewhat cloudy, but with plenty of sun and blue sky again today.  Quite a nice day to be on the train watching the countryside fly past.

Definitely getting a little homesick at this point.  Not in the sense that I want to turn around immediately and head for home.  Just very definitely looking forward to familiar things.  A few days in a comfortable hotel, in a very new place with plenty of things to keep me distracted will probably provide some relief from that sensation.  Once again, very glad I decided to go ahead with the UK portion of the trip rather than backtracking.  As much as I want to return to Seattle etc., I think the new scenery, albeit at a slower pace, is what I need right now.

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